Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Everything Under The Sun #100convos #12

"I was just watching a documentary on The Large Hadron Collider - its nice to know to that in a world where there are wars and people are dying of Ebola, that humanity can work together to explore the deeper meaning of the universe."

Ryan... Best Friend, Doctor, Knight in Perfect Outfit, Board Game Champion. The above is a direct quote of what he said this evening as walking into the kitchen to make me a perfect roast chicken. Yes, brains and cooking skills.

A large chunk of our evening was spent on a discussion on mental illness and it's classifications. Riveting but not for this forum. I can safely report that I am only neurotic, not psychotic. It was only two hours later that Ryan brought up Robin Williams - I think depression has been looming in the back of many minds today. Ryan said that he was surprised at how emotional he felt about Robin Williams death, probably more so because of the way he died. "He really was a unique individual"

He read me a touching story shared by Norm McDonald via Twitter. Given the nature of Twitter, it's not easy to just paste a direct quote, but the gist of the story is Norm meeting Robin backstage at Letterman, what follows is some hilarious improv between the two of them. Look for it here if you like https://twitter.com/normmacdonald

On a totally different note, and perhaps some clever humour is appropriate. Ryan shared a recent fantasty with me of walking along Long Street with a palm full of Veet and slapping hipsters in the beard - therefor forcing them to shave. Apparently there are "too many hipster beards!"

He also shared a startling food fact "tuna is more of a fishy fish, hake is more of a chickeny fish" - this theory was recently formulated over lunch with his mom and partner at a little place called "Joe Fish".

Reading this all now, it seems quite a range of topics, but that's why I love spending time with Ryan, we talk about everything under the sun.

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