Sunday, 3 August 2014

"Why do you have a tattoo?" #100convos #3

Runako is literally my favourite 6 year old on earth. His family stays in the same complex as me and I can bank on hugs whenever our paths cross. He loved the idea of being interviewed. Like most kids, he says the funniest things until you expect him to be official - like in an interview!

Nako, has a keen interest in my love life and has on more than one occasion threatened to beat up any guys that step out of line. He rates my gentlemen callers too (the kind that come over during the day while he is playing outside).

He is also my health guru. I told him that I had a tummy ache once - he insisted on rubbing my belly while dispensing the following advice "you need to eat more vegetables" and "drink more water, not coke, my teacher says coke is poison".

He and his sister (interview with her tomorrow!) once asked me to read to them, the book they chose was "Mr Greedy" - they were addressing my weight problem.

The joy I felt while sun tanning post losing 15kg to hear Nako exclaim "Sharon! You are skinny now!".

Now, back to our interview today, Nako thought it best to ask the first question, "Why do you have a tattoo?" - I deflected the interrogation and asked about his favourite TV show.

"My favourite show is Dragonfly."


"He first never has wings, now he has wings because.... So he fell down a building and he got some wings out of nowhere."

"And my favourite game is soccer"

Did you watch the World Cup?



"Germany won the World Cup. And Argentina was nearly there to win."

He raised a tiny hand to indicate that the interview was over, and ran off to play.

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