Tuesday 19 August 2014

Mummy Dearest #100convos #15

I've admittedly been in a creative slump and neglected this project, a few darling family members, as you might have noticed, have helped me get into the swing of things again.
I wanted to tear up when my mom seemed surprised that I wanted to include her in this blog. I've been feeling very vulnerable lately and wanting to just be small again. I asked my mom for some stories and photos, and she really obliged. Thank you so much for this Mommy, it touched my heart so much.
 "When you were little, I had fun showing you things – you were so interested. I remember letting you watch a snail sliding on an open window so that you could it move from the underside. You also grew the best green beans ever.
Then there was the day I let you play around the jungle gym because I thought you were too small to climb it properly – until you discovered there was a ladder in the middle tower – I have never climbed a jungle gym so quickly – ever. A young mother has to be fit.
I passed the park recently – that jungle gym has been replaced with a smaller version.
We used to take long walks with me pushing you in the pram. I remember lovely sunny days (just like my Sunny girl). The houses had low walls in those days and there were always people about. I met many strangers and had interesting conversations over garden gates and walls – starting of course with “can we see the Baby?”
I also enjoyed seeing peoples’ gardens over the walls and fish ponds and pretty plants. I learned that St Michael’s road used to be chalk, and there was a vlei on Keurboom road were one Granny had been courted, many, many years ago. Imagine standing on a street corner discussing the habits of hamsters. It is so sad that all these houses are now surrounded by high walls and electric fences. The
neighbours that one met in the road with their shopping who told about my neighbourhood when they were young are all gone now."
Look at the gorgeous photos my mom pulled out, even one with Mrs Fowler - a neighbour who's reputation has far outlived her.

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