Monday 11 August 2014

"Do you know what's sexy?" #100convos #10

Nina and I always joke that we met when I picked her up at a braai. We literally did meet at a braai and kept in contact. Our mutual friend was only in CT for the weekend, we connected over boy woes, and the rest is history. I chose to interview Nina today, at a lunch to celebrate the dedication of said mutual friend’s daughter. It seemed so appropriate.

Nina is always around to listen to news, good or bad. She dispenses nuggets of wisdom and quotes into my life a few times a week. I’d like to think that I’ve returned the favour a few times over the last few years. Nina has a way of connecting with people, across barriers – with a background in psychology and a passion for philosophy, this self-professed “lover of peppermint crisp caramel pudding” is more than qualified to lay some wisdom on the world.

Honestly when we get together we don’t really have a conversation, it’s more like we weave a spell of stories, wisdom, quotes and love. We covered a number of topics while soaking up some winter sun. Nina shared a few favourite quotes with me; I’ve chosen to share some of them through this post.

We chatted about the decline in spiritually in the world, how so many people seem to be afraid to explore, let alone tap into a higher power. “We need to nurture ourselves,” Nina responded as I spoke about playing in the park the previous day. It makes so much sense, like children, we should tap into the magic, beauty and fun of life.

“The soul always knows what to do to heal itself, the challenge is to silence the mind.” – Caroline Myss

Holding onto pain and bitterness will just hold us back. Sometimes we need to take chances and just say yes. “Sometimes you just need to go with the flow,” explained Nina as she talked about seizing opportunities and seeing where things are falling into place in your path. Nina shared a favourite quote, “When life rejects you, it’s redirecting you.”

“You must not give Bitterness power in your life. Release it and let the Happiness flow within you. Forgive those who have wronged you. Learn from those experiences and grow within. Happiness comes from within.” – Doreen Virtue

Nina has this great philosophy of gratitude leading us to be kinder and more generous to others. It makes sense as a concept of pay-it-forward, where we respond the good in the world by sharing it, even if we need to make ourselves vulnerable in the process.

“Do you know what’s sexy? A real conversation.” - Anon

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